The Sex Pistols

Lo Lo’s song yesterday got me thinking about sex. Not because I’ve had syphilis before, but you know.
Anyway, sex is funny to me. Not funny ha-ha, but funny interesting. Why is it when we are young and newly in love all we can think about is having sex with our partner and then after marriage, or many years together, that seems to wane a bit? How do we manage to stay up until 3 a.m. in the beginning and function at work but then several years down the road think 10 p.m. is too late to start fooling around? Do we just get used to each other? Is it because the newness is gone?
I will not get into my personal sex life as 1) my kid reads this and she doesn’t want to hear about it, 2) my Mom reads this and doesn’t want to hear about it; 3) my cousin reads this and doesn’t want to hear about; and 4) many friends read this and don’t want to hear about it.
Having said that, if you don’t want to know ANY details I suggest you stop reading now. Perhaps go check out one of my peeps over on the side bar, or go to or something.
Does it seem like the older we get the less energy we have or are willing to part with for sex? Usually it is the thought of all the work getting ready for sex that puts me off. You know, are my legs shaved (chances are they are not)? Have I “freshened” up? Are the hedges trimmed and pruned? And then the actual sex. The sex part is way cool, but the getting up to that part seems too time consuming and overwhelming sometimes. Not overwhelming, but you know what I mean. Like, ok can’t we just go straight to orgasm because I have laundry to do, I would like to watch a little boob tube and I need to get up early for work tomorrow. Is it possible to keep the sexual spark in a relationship forever? I think I still make the hubby laugh and he still cracks me up. I’m still attracted to him physically after 12 years which is pretty cool. We still hold hands. I still enjoy talking to him, we have very good conversations. But our sex life is certainly not what it was when we were first dating.
Believe me, I know this is not a new topic and I don’t have any miracle cures. Just curious why the change happens and what can be done to prevent it or retard its progress once started!
It’s almost Friday – let the shagging begin!
I know what you are talking about.. Unfortunately, I don't see the boy every day.. (or things might be different!) but it sure does change as things progress in a relationship... I've been down that road before and know a few that are traveling back down it again... It is a very good question to ponder... might give me something to do today!