Take good care of my baby
I digress. The reason for this post is to ask all of you to look after Lo Lo in my absence. We sit right next to each other and so if one of us is gone it gets quite lonely. Boring too since there is no one causing you to launch snot rockets due to laughing hysterically! Also, no one to compare poop stories with, bitch about boobs hurting, complain about people on the phone, no one to have gum spitting contests (both accuracy and distance),or eat peanut butter on chocolate with. It's going to be rough on her, but she'll get through with your support.
Mel, thanks for the blog and for watching out for me. My day will truly suck because you're not there :( And I'm sad we won't live close together anymore :( But I'm excited about your new house and I hope this brings many happy new opportunities and memories for you! Kisses, Lo Lo