My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ubie got me! (by the way - none of my links work and I don't friggin know why)

Tag, I’m it! Thanks to my dear friend Ubermilf
I have been bag tagged, I mean memory tagged. I have to name 5 things I miss from my childhood. These will likely be lame, but whatever.

1. Summer lasted forever. Seriously, it was like ½ the year. Sleeping late, playing outside literally all day (my Mom locked us out) and stopping only long enough to grab something to eat.
2. Spending an entire weekend locked in my room listening to music and reading books. ALL WEEKEND. I really miss that.
3. Getting new school clothes and school supplies. I was such a dork – I used to get so pumped about getting a new Trapper Keeper and folders with puppies on them. Oooh, and new pencils and a pencil case.
4. I miss my grandparents. When I was a child I had 3 out of 4 grandparents and all have since passed away. I miss them very much.
5. Innocence and fearlessness.

1. Modigli
2. Babbling Brooke
3. Cannot Be Trusted On My Own
4. Ubermilf
5. Melanie was here

So, who is up next? I am tagging Brian(Go Stork!), and John
Also, anyone who would like to participate who doesn’t have a blog should feel free to list their 5 things in the comment section.

You have to list five things you miss from your childhood. You need link to me and #'s 2, 3 and 4, and add your name as #5. Then, nail someone else with this!


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