My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So now I'm back, from outer space

Perhaps you have noticed that I have not posted since last Thursday. Or perhaps, you have noticed and just don't care. Perhaps this is your first visit and so you didn't notice, but would have cared had you noticed. In any case, I would love to tell you it is because I've been in Aruba with no computer, or internet access. I would love to tell you it is because I have been so busy shopping for new shoes and Prada backpacks that the thought of blogging never crossed my mind. I would love to tell you that I have been negotiating peace in the middle east and it was impossible to break free. Alas, none of those are true. I just haven't had anything witty or amusing to talk about and quite honestly, still don't. Just didn't want you to think that I had been murdered like Nick by those damned penguins.

I am getting my hair done tonight. Haven't decided yet whether to go way different and maybe become a blonde, or just stick with red. Also, short or stay medium length? Decisions, decisions.


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