My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Learned something new!

My awesome friend Brian taught me how to link on Friday. Holy effing crap, I had on idea it was so simple. Prepare to have shloads of links in new posts to come.

Friday night Jen, Rach, Sue, Lins, Paula, Brian and Seth came over to our house for final baby shower preparations for my (incredible) step-daughter Jennifer. Yes, that's right folks, I'm going to be a grandma at the ripe old age of 34! Woo hoo! So, we spent the evening drinking quite a lot of wine, chopping veggies, making dips and hanging out. It was great! Brian taught me how to link and a good time was had by all. AND my A-hole dog didn't even pee on anyone this time. Bonus!

Saturday was the big day. We all met at the hall at noon to decorate and set-up for the shower. The place looked great. Nice job ladies. The food was great and Jen got loads of really great gifts, and gift cards! Perhaps Brian can send me a few pics to post since I forgot my camera.

After the shower we all loaded up our cars and hauled the loot back to Rach and Jen's place. We unloaded and promptly changed into bikinis for goin' in the hot tub! It was awesome. We send Dave and Brian on a beer run. Then spent the rest of the evening in and out of the hot tub, and playing "Ball Flinger." Great, great game that Jen made. Too hard for me to explain, so maybe someone can in the comment section. Drank a little too much and the hubby had to drive me home....we left my car at Rach's. How responsible, eh?

Sunday I spent watching TV and doing nothing. Eventually went and got my car and then went the gang's softball games. Sadly they lost the first, but happily they won the second game! I was forced to keep score as Jen had another baby shower with her Grandma. I didn't mess anything up and had no problems keeping score! Woo hoo. Went home after the games and did more nothing and then went to bed.

Oh yeah, and I think we are going to build a house. Holy crap, tons of cashola, but you only live once and you can't take it with you, right? Will know for sure later this week and will keep you posted. We are looking at moving to Stow, OH. Any feedback welcome from readers who know that area.

Hope you are all well, and again thanks to all for your ongoing support!


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