My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

WTF Mate

I haven't slept for days. Tossing and turning and listening to Sophie (our giant sized dog) snoring her friggin' head off. I close my eyes and try to sleep and everything just keeps running through my head. I still have to finish our taxes (started them last night). That has really been weighing on me, and it's my own fault. Thought about doing them in January and then completely forgot about them until last week. AND our new stupid city that we live in requires us to file with them as well. Never had to do that before. Jerks.

I know I've bitched about my job before, but it has really been bothering me. I'm very seriously considering resigning from the work leader position and going back to the missionary position, I mean just straight up secretary again. It isn't that I can't handle the job, I just don't want to anymore. The doctor I work for is getting really busy, which is great, but it is extremely stressful trying to run his practice, and be in charge of all of the other secretaries. I'm sure they would take back the raise I got when I took on the position, but money isn't everything.

You know, baby stuff. We are going to start trying again soon and that is very stressful, though a good stress. No details yet, keeping that one to myself. You'll have to wait for the book to come out.

Then just a myriad of other little things like the laundry, or making the time to pay the bills, or cleaning up the house before the cleaning lady comes. I know, stupid stuff.

Couple good things. Lo Lo gave me some Proactive to try and I love it! It is really clearing up my face and so that is making me feel better! Whenever I break out I just want to run and hide. Just look so ugly, well you know, worse than normal!

Our pool table was delivered last Friday. It looks lovely. Still have a ton of work to do in the basement, but our Irish Pub is finally taking shape!

Hope all is well with ya'll and that you all had a nice Easter.....we had about 10 feet of snow, but it was great to spend the day with our families.

I've missed you!


  • At April 10, 2007 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to see you back! It's funny that you mentioned the baby thing cause I thought about that yesterday... I'm hoping and prayin for ya!

    I have to pay city taxes as well, and I put those off... I've already filed and spent my other taxes!

    I hope all of your stress goes away soon! Have a good day!

  • At April 10, 2007 8:42 PM, Blogger Scarlet Hip said…

    I swear by Proactiv. I had no idea that you had breakouts - I'd have shared my love for it ages ago!

    It's so unfair that we still get zits. I'm going to write an angry letter.

    Who should I send it to?

  • At April 10, 2007 10:01 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Send it to whoever is making it snow here tomorrow!

  • At April 11, 2007 8:57 AM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Hey Nan - I'm sure it will get better soon. Course as soon as I get taxes done some new stress will get lodged in my head.

    Brookie! I hate the zits. I didn't have this many when I was a teenager. Send your letter to That Bitch c/o Mother Nature.

    Ubie - PLEASE keep your snow up there. We had enough this past weekend. Also, send your letter to That Bitch c/o Mother Nature.

  • At April 11, 2007 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If it makes you feel better, I'm stressing over getting my fence put in... I know it's lame.. But it's a permanent fixture at my house... and they have to cut through the driveway... I have to pick the perfect place for it on the side of the driveway... I dont' know why I continue to dwell over it! All for my love of this damn dog I got! lol...

  • At April 11, 2007 11:17 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…

    Mel - So sorry you've been so stressed out.

    I think if you want to resign you should. With the baby thing - you really don't need any added stress. And you're right, money isn't everything!

    I'm so glad you like the Proactive! I love it, too! And no matter what, you're always BEAUTIFUL!

  • At April 15, 2007 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good to see you post again. Sounds as though you're having a stressy time to say the least. Chin up.

    As you guys have been having unseasonably cold weather here in blighty we've had an unseasonal heat wave. It's been over 70F all week and it hit 77F today!!!

    I'm really envious of you getting a pool table, and if we ever get to Canada I am turning our basement into a pub/guest room. My lovely wife has given the green light to a pool table and bar! Yay.


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