My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh Canada.....

You are so toast! That's right, 7 of my fellow Americans are coming. Yes, we are coming. And we will drink all of your wine and give you are money in the Casinos and crack jokes coming back across the border to the U.S. Such jokes as when the border agents ask us "Do you have anything to declare?" I will respond with "I declare your damn casino took all of my money." Just like in years past you will not laugh, though I will nervously.

If you haven't guessed already, we are taking a weekend trip to, um, Canada! Yep, we leave on Friday afternoon and head up to Niagara Falls. There is a huge wine festival, and being winos and all we figure we shouldn't miss it. Wanna hear some crazy stuff that I dread before a trip? I thought so.

1. Our hotel has 18 floors and I am stressing that our room will be above say the 4th. My reasons are two-fold. I am afraid of heights and I am afraid of elevators. I would much rather be on a floor where I can comfortably utilize the stairs. Also, I don't want to be on top because it is pretty windy up there from the Falls and all and I'm fairly certain that the very weekend I am there will be the weekend that the hotel is knocked over by said wind. I'd rather be on the bottom where I can haul ass down the stairs and get outside before the building topples.

2. I am dreading crossing that 4 million foot high bridge that connects us. I wonder how many other people that keeps out of Canadia? It won't keep me out but I'll be white knuckling the entire time we are sitting on that bitch of a bridge. I'd almost rather go down below and swim the river. Seriously.

3. My friends want to have dinner in the Skylon Tower. Tower people. Need I say more? Seriously, Rick has been wonderful telling me that we can go somewhere else since I'm so afraid. He is so cute. When I told him I've had nightmares about since I was a kid seeing as how my parents forced us to go in it (Chris - you were there, you remember. Your mom used her typical restaurant last name of Ryan) he suggested that I face that fear head on and it will go away. If only it were that easy. Anyway, at the time I wasn't terrified. But since that time I've had nightmares that I'm stuck up there and something tragic happens. Either the whole thing falls, or there is a hatch in the top and I have to go through the hatch and slide down the side, which plummets me to the ground, or just as George Clooney goes to kiss me I belch and/or fart. Yes people, scary stuff.

4. I'll be in a foreign country. They all HATE Americans! I'm so screwed.

Please don't feel the need to pick my fears apart. That doesn't work either. By all means feel free to poke fun (Nick, you slut, this is your chance).

Having said all that, I am so looking forward to going. We always have a great time. This year we will be missing a couple (Pat and Kelly), but we've picked up a couple (Jen and Adam, and Adam promised to wear his tux t-shirt. SWEET) so it evens out. Here's the line-up:
Dave and me
Rick and Margie
Alex and Dianna
Jen and Adam (joining the part-ay on Saturday)

We will miss all of you who can't make it. In fact, we will toast each and every one of you on our big wine tour!

All right, I am off to prep for my mounting. Dammit I mean Mounties.


  • At September 27, 2006 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, I've just returned from Canada! We went to visit Captain Beefheart in Vancouver, so a loooong way away from Niagra.

    I like "America Junior" (as Homer Simpson calls it) a lot.

    Oh Canada!

    PS The Steelers are not having a good season so far are they. :o(

  • At September 27, 2006 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, and enjoy your trip, don't drink too much, don't lose too much money and stock up on meds while you're up there (you can make a killing down at the local old folks home).

  • At September 27, 2006 8:16 AM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Sir Richard! Heard you had loads of fun w/Beefy. You are so right, I am very worried about our Steelers. Ben needs to get it together. What kind of drugs can I get??

    Marianne - seriously you are a psychologist? We need to talk. Also, define "too much."

  • At September 27, 2006 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mel... Me so jealous! I would love to go up to Canada this time of year! Find some wine that I would like.. It is my goal to hit up those wineries one day!

  • At September 27, 2006 11:57 AM, Blogger Momma Janks said…

    drink enough wine and you'll be able to overcome all fears...

    very much looking forward to this weekend. great friends/family taking over a foreign country...what a great mix!

  • At September 27, 2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Fella said…

    Maybe if we all chip in Canada will keep her.

  • At September 28, 2006 10:38 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…

    1. Better to be at the TOP of the building than to be stuck on the bottom and crushed to death

    2. Don't forget to oil up for your swim. It will help you go faster

    3. See #1

    4. Just remember to say, "Eh?" after every sentence, and pronounce the word about "a-boot" and the word mauve "mo-v" and you'll fit right in

    OH... and as far as you missing all of us who can't make it... don't you mean "to all of you that we didn't invite: UP YOURS" ??

  • At September 28, 2006 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mel made it to the top of the Empire State Building in an elevator but could not go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Also climbed the Arc de Triumph and Notre Dame. She also insists on swim up bars when visiting Cancun.

  • At September 28, 2006 4:35 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    The Eiffel Tower is scarier because it's not enclosed. I was terrified up there; by "up there" I mean only the second level because there was NO WAY I was going up to #3.

    Also, have fun. Also, I think I will buy you a trip to Wichita so you can hug and squeeze Nick 'til he pukes.

  • At September 29, 2006 11:56 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…


  • At October 05, 2006 11:28 PM, Blogger John said…

    I knew you liked it on the bottom.


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