My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Friday, July 28, 2006

TGIF my ass.

Holy shit people. Today sucked so much that I can't even put into words how badly it sucked. Let's recap, shall we.

Woke up oh about an hour late. Rushed around to get ready and get out the door. Already starting behind the 8 ball. Got to work about 40 minutes late. Great.

I immediately am slammed at work. Patients calling every 5 seconds. Shit to finish from yesterday. Blah. Plus three people waiting to be seen.

I walk down the hall to drop something off at someone else's desk and am called over by two other secretaries....of whom I am the work leader and whenever there is any sort of problem I get "Hey work leader, this is a problem for you." Great.

They begin to tell me that they simply cannot keep covering the two other offices where we have new secretaries who have been in training all week. Basically, hey bitch dole out the work. Fair enough. I say I will take the majority of it as I know that every other secretary is slammed today. Whatever. I am never one to shy away from taking it up the ass for the team.

I do send out a group email asking for volunteers to help shoulder some of the work. I get three responses. Three out of ten. Ok. (Of course Lo Lo was one of the volunteers - thanks babe)

So, we are working away really making progress. I then get my ass chewed out by one of the nurses who is going on vacation and by us catching up said office, she is being blown away. Ok, so? If you don't get all the work done, the person covering you while you are out will work on it. Well, she is the fucking anal type that won't leave anything in her office. Also, I get the "That's great that everyone is helping R catch up, but no one is helping me. And, this is generating mass phone calls to me for help." I later learn that the "mass phone calls" is like two. Literally.

I swear to God I almost punched her in her baby maker.

The day continues in this manner. At noon I am suggesting to a couple of the other ladies that we blow off work and head to the bar. Is that bad?

Even Lo Lo said that she was having a beer after work. Shit people, do you know how big that is? The girl NEVER drinks. Ever.

I never even got to eat lunch. Had a fat free yogurt at some point. And coffee.

Two good things happened today. I had a good hair day, and I didn't die. Of course, the day isn't over yet.

I've been home for roughly 1/2 hour and the first glass of Chardonnay is but a memory. I suspect soon the entire bottle will be a warm fuzzy memory. Do NOT underestimate the healing powers of the grape.


I'm sitting on the deck drinking my wine and IM'ing with Nick and a FUCKING BIRD SHAT ON MY HAND. Splattered all over my computer screen. Also, I screamed like a girl so I'm sure the neighbors love me! Great. My day is now complete. Actually, it isn't. Hopefully I'll be bit by a snake and receive an atomic wedgie from some drunk stupid frat boy. THEN it will be complete.

Seriously people, I am not making this up.


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