Productive day at the office.
Lo Lo: Attached is an electronic version of R's OPD calendar for April, which she has asked me to distribute.
Have a great weekend! Laura
Mel: Nice calendar, ya suck up douche.
Lo Lo: She was down here and saw it and asked me to pass it out.
I did it for myself b/c the other one was a mess and hard to read.
Oh, and EAT ME
Mel: Right. Probably you were like oh R, look at what I did. And she was all like, you rock let’s kiss. And you were all like, um ok and you can touch my boobs over my shirt. BLECH
Lo Lo: She asked (insert new stupid cube mate name here) if she got the calendar she left on her desk. Stupid cube mate couldn’t find it. R asked me if I had mine. I told her I did, but that I made my own. She asked me to distribute it to everyone via email. Then she touched my monkey and we totally made out.
Yep - just as you all suspected, Lo Lo is a tramp.