Aw jeez
Also, just so you know this post is going to be a "list of honesty."
1. Sometimes best friends suck. They just have so much going on, all of the time - literally, that they don't hear your "cry" for help. And, if they "hear" it, they just have too much going on.
2. Sometimes work sucks so badly for "unwork" reasons that I just want to quit. I love who I work with and where I work and it is literally going to shit.
3. Sometimes a person complains or opens up so much about something that it becomes a broken record - even to that person.
4. Sometimes a person should look at their home and feel blessed instead of looking at their home and wishing they still lived in their last home that felt like home, though smalller.
5. Sometimes a person should look at their spouse and realize the super hero they are intead of dwelling on the things that person has no control of.
6. Sometimes a person should just be happy to be alive.
7. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to tell a friend she is making the hugest mistake of her life, and you question her ability to survive it.
8. Sometimes. Sometimes. Say it long enough and it sounds made up. Yet that is what my life is loosley based on.
9. Sometimes it is better to focus not on what we disagree on but that which we can make better.
I love you all. Sincerely.
My husband's out of town, too.
You could've come over for movies and popcorn, except you live in Cleveland.
And I went to bed at 9 p.m.
Because I felt like it.