My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekend wrap up

This weekend was awesome. For the story and pics, check out Brian's blog. No reason for me to post all of it too. I will say that Dave made us late Friday and I made us late Saturday. I slept most of the day yesterday and plan to be in bed early tonight as well.

I note that Brian left off a few facts from this weekend, so I'll fill in.

1) He offered, ok well I offered, for Brian to sell fatties on the beaches of Jamaica - our bus driver from the hotel (HOOOOOOOOO tel) was from Jamaica.

2) Rob yelling "Fuck Elliott" regarding Elliott Ness beer at the brewery was hysterical. Rob trying to get his sampler beers back in order was even funnier.

3) Rob calling Lins Tits McGee.....several times.

4) Sue commenting that the brewery reminded her of Laverne and Shirley. I then couldn't get the damned song out of my head!

5) David sneaking out of the bar that he and Rachel were at and running several blocks to the bar we were at to hang 0ut with us - he told them he was going to the bathroom. Awesome!

6) My sister Sarah and me trying to out-bad-dance each other on Saturday was too much fun.

7) Lost count of how many times Patrick and Dave were bag tagged. Their nuts had to be sore yesterday!

8) Being body slammed into the wall and not really getting hurt - shocking and a lovely surprise!

I'll update as I think of more.


  • At February 27, 2006 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to apologize to my wife. She was absolutely correct in the fact that I made us late Friday. I was in no hurry to leave the house to get downtown. Both dogs were good to go and the extra half hour was not going to make their bladders feel better the next day. Mel did make us late Saturday for bowling which must have caused me to bowl poorly. Eliot Ness was responsible for me being late Sunday morning meeting Brian and Sue for breakfast. He had hold of my head and wouldn't let me out of bed.

  • At February 27, 2006 9:26 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Why didn't I get to go to the brewery?

    I know this song by heart.

  • At February 27, 2006 9:49 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Ubie - next time you come we'll definitely take you there! You HAVE to sing the song with me though, and leave a glove on a bottle!

  • At February 27, 2006 9:59 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Nothing's gonna turn us back now
    Straight away and on the track now
    We're gonna make our dreams come true

    Doin' it our way

    There's nothing we won't try
    Never heard the word


    This time there's no stopping US!

    And we'll do it OUR WAY
    yes OUR WAY

    Make all our dreams come true
    For me and you

  • At March 01, 2006 11:45 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Yeah, so you wrote a post this week.

    Does that mean you're done for the month?


  • At March 01, 2006 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do indeed believe that she is done for the month.


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