Lottery be mine tonight!
I will post something new soon. Experiencing technical difficulties currently. By technical I mean work and by difficulties I mean kicking my ass and sucking the life out of me. That me be a little over dramatic, but pretty much right on!
Missed y'day due to sinus headache and sore throat. Still feel like complete shit, but back at work. And to those of you who bitch and say I should stay home while sick - get some better daytime television and I may just do that. Holy mother of ASS t.v. sucks in the daytime.
Hoping to win the lottery is over $300 million. If I win I will offer to pay the Republican party one million dollars if I can bag tag Bush.
get well soon! and yes, daytime tv, even with a gazillion channels, bites ass!
good luck on the lotto too! is this only in ohio? i wanna play for $300 mil!