My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I just don't know

This may be a bit personal, so bear with me. I have many different feelings racing through me right now. I'm going to try to post this without giving up too much detail to protect the privacy of someone extremely close to me who I love more than words can express.

Let's just say that two little girls were molested by a sick woman who happened to be their grandmother. I know, makes me want to wretch also. Let's also say that this woman had a massive stroke last week and is in the hospital.

I am having trouble with reconciling how I feel.

When I first heard that she was in the hospital and unresponsive I thought good, let her die now and burn in hell for what she did to these innocent little girls. Then a little voice in me reminded me that I probably shouldn't think like that. Last night I found out that it was a stroke, that her right side is paralyzed and she has no speech, and is still unresponsive. I said GREAT. Just what the bitch deserves. At least she can't hurt any more children. My Mother was irritated with me. She said that as Christians we should pray for her. Not that we should feel bad that she is sick, but that we shouldn't be happy and gloat. Part of me really does agree with my Mother. Part of me wishes she would linger and suffer for the next 20 years with the quality of life of a turnip.

When I was in therapy last year this situation was discussed. I explained that the rage inside me towards this woman was at times all consuming. I hate her. I hate very, very few people. My therapist said it was normal to feel so much anger towards her, but that I needed to get past it and let it go for my own well being. I'm not sure I'm capable of this. When I look at the mess she has made of one of the little's girl's life who at 8 years old said she wanted to kill herself because of what happened to her, it makes it very difficult for me to set aside the anger and rage.

So, I guess God and my Mother will have to have some patience with me because at this point I just hope that she suffers and is in pain and is miserable for the rest of her worthless days on this earth. I hope that she never knows relief and that she feels no joy ever. I hope that her nurses are rough and uncaring. I hope she is scared and alone. I hope she is ruined.


  • At October 20, 2005 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isn't it just amazing at how life works.. the scum of the earth are left to live while the good ones are no longer around. Look at how many innocent people have lost their lives... and people like this grandmother can stay alive.. I can't help but feel the same way... It's just not right. I will pray for the girls...

  • At October 20, 2005 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with you Mel! I don't feel bad for people like that at all.

  • At October 20, 2005 10:54 AM, Blogger Spirit Of Owl said…

    You are bound to feel how you do. I wouldn't dream of pretending to have advice, but let me assure you that I can understand exactly how you feel. Maybe, though, try not to let that old woman make you suffer too, even if it's on your own crucible.

  • At October 20, 2005 11:09 AM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    LW - the prayers are certainly appreciated.

    Sue - I don't feel bad either. Stupid beyotch!

    Spirit - I try to let it go, but I guess it is just too recent. This all came out about 2 years ago. The children she molested were about 2 or 3 and 6 or 7 at the time. Hoping the younger will not remember even though she was able to recount with amazing detail what was done, but the older breaks my heart as she cannot forget. She is in therapy now and will hopefully move forward and be able to put this past her.

  • At October 20, 2005 11:39 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    We've all encountered people who have done horribly evil things -- sometimes even to us!

    It's hard to forgive, because that feels like saying what they did was O.K., and it wasn't.

    Instead of thinking of it as forgiveness, just give the whole thing over to God and say, "Can you deal with this? She's too evil for me to handle. Thanks a bunch!"

    And then just focus on loving and helping the girls. That old lady is not your responsibility.

  • At October 20, 2005 12:21 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Ubie, I know you are right and that is great advice. I will certainly make more of an effort to let go. Wastes a ton of energy being this angry.

  • At October 20, 2005 12:32 PM, Blogger laura said…

    you feel how you feel, and no one can make you feel any other way. obviously, you have a lot of ill will towards someone who did something horrible, and you can't be told your feelings toward her are wrong. you may change over time, and you may not, but your feelings aren't wrong-they're yours, and if they change and you start to feel sympathetic, so be it. i think that would symbolize a step toward forgiving something unforgiveable, and if you can eventually achieve at least a shred of non-feeling instead of hate, i think it would help you to realize that this wretched person doesn't have anything over you...feeling nothing toward someone is better than hate and rage, in my opinion. that person can't own your feelings anymore. as an outsider, i hope someone like this rots in hell, but we also need to keep in mind that we can't make that happen. she'll get what's coming to her and with that knowledge, you can start to let go of your feelings about this person. it's not easy though, so try in your own time frame to do this, and if you never do, that's ok too! you've been deeply affected by something that this person did, so *fuck* what everyone else wants you to do & feel.

  • At October 20, 2005 2:56 PM, Blogger Flan said…

    As long as you did not actively, directly to contribute to what happened to her (that would be vengeance, and, depending on your point of view, not very "Christian" of you), then you should have no reason to feel sympathy for her. She either A) Got what she deserved as decided by God (again, depending on your religious beliefs or lack thereof), or B) Had a stroke of bad luck (no pun intended).

    Either way, I don't think you should have any guilty feelings about feeling some sense of relief and a sense of justice about the whole thing. If you went out and CELEBRATED her stroke, I'd say you're sick and not a good person, but to feel that it was, in some way or other, payback, well, what's wrong with that?

  • At October 20, 2005 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't laugh at me,
    Don't get pleasure from my pain.
    In God's eyes we're all the same
    Someday we'll all have perfect wings

    These are lyrics of a county song I was just listening to. These lyrics just happened to catch my ear and I got goosebumps.

    Made me think a little about my reaction to this story.

  • At October 20, 2005 3:34 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Rollerskater - thanks! I appreciate your comments, and you are right that I am allowed to feel what I feel. I just worry that what I feel is harmful to me!

    Dan - very good point. I am not the one who gave her cigarettes and told her to eat greasy food and smoke pot every day. That is on her. But I will not rejoice in her suffering, I guess. But I refuse to feel sympathy for her.

    Sue Z Q - those are very nice lyrics. However, she's got a lot of repenting to do if she's to have wings.

  • At October 20, 2005 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Knowing the situation, I'd have to agree with you.

  • At October 20, 2005 8:52 PM, Blogger Scarlet Hip said…

    It is times like these that make me glad I'm not a Christian. I hope she is suffering and that she suffers for many years to come. I hope she becomes incontinent and is humiliated on a daily basis by it. I hope her the rest of her life is filled with pain and misery and most of all, shame.

    And those are my good thoughts.

  • At October 20, 2005 10:38 PM, Blogger Spirit Of Owl said…

    I'm not a Christian. I don't wish ill on that woman. I know how it feels to wish ill on that woman. I wish ill right now on people who are like that woman.


    I wish well for you, Mel. I wish well for those children. With love.

  • At June 17, 2016 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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