Thank you thank you thank you to Lo Lo for throwing me an awesome birthday party at work yesterday. I had the post all ready and the whore that blogger is shut down and I lost it.
So far the birthday festivities have been wonderful. Monday was Halloween and I have recovered nicely from my pity party.
Tuesday was my actual birthday. Went to dinner with Sue, Brian, Seth and Rachel. It was great. I had a lot of fun with them and they were very generous and gave me awesome gifts.
Last night was bowling. My Mom rocks my world. She remembered that last year I requested a casada cake made w/chocolate cake. She made a most excellent chocolate casada cake and I have the left-overs at home for tonight! I may eat the whole bowl!
Speaking of tonight, I am going to dinner at Bravo with my best friend Tammy. I love that place! Good wine and great food.
Tomorrow night is the family dinner at Olive Garden. I’m looking forward to hanging with my family.
Saturday there is a shin dig at Rachel’s house in celebration of my birthday, and fall, and the hot tub working again! Yay! Rach has to work all weekend but hopefully I’ll get to see her for a bit.
Nothing Sunday, and then Monday I am going to dinner with Lo Lo, Barb and Sharon in Little Italy for my bday. Holy cow! What a week. I may gain like 100 pounds but I’m so old now I won’t remember!
Thanks to all who have made this such a wonderful birthday and made me feel so special, and not short bus special for once!