My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mel's addiction

I think I may be addicted to blogging. I didn't even know blogging existed until late last year (embarrassing to admit). Now my day is spent reading other blogs, commenting on other blogs, waiting for people to comment on my blog, and waiting sometimes not so patiently for people to update their blogs. When I am not at my computer I find myself thinking, "Ooh, I have to remember this conversation, it will be an awesome blog" or "Wish I had my camera, this would be great for my blog" or "Is that hottie over there John from Shop Dungarees?" Yeah, this is a bit worrisome.
My father once told me that he thought perhaps the computer was the anti-Christ, in the literal sense. I don't know about all that, but it is pretty time consuming. I may have to wean myself a bit, maybe go out and actually experience something for myself instead of just reading about it on other's blogs....although I don't plan to try tea bagging (see Underhill's post).
Who am I kidding? I'm going no where. I would miss you all too much if I actually went out and had a life! I have been caught in the web of the world. Thank God Al Gore invented the internet, otherwise I don't know what I would do!


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