My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Did I hear you right?

In my house we have a rule. Generally, whoever cooks does not have to clean up. Good rule, works well since I do most of the cooking (by most I mean 99.99999%). I love cooking, hate cleaning up. Well last night I was working on a project* and my husband cooked dinner. Dinner consisted of a hamburger each which I took out of the freezer and he had some leftover baked beans that I microwaved for him. Basically he cooked the meat on the grill. So, I finish eating first which is the norm and get back to my project. About 5 minutes later I hear (brace yourselves) "I'm finished, you may clean up now." I thought for sure he was kidding. I'm not so sure he was. I have decided to give him a pass on this. He was studying for a big test at work that he took this a.m. and I am sure that was the stress talking.

Anyway, he called and he passed the test! So tonight, I will be finished and he may clean up now! Men. Jeez.

*I cannot discuss the project at this time, but will in the future. It's a secret! ;-)


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