My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Sensitive? Me?

So, apparently I am a little oversensitive sometimes. My therapist (haven't been in awhile) tells me that I am missing a "filter" that most others have and this contributes to my heightened sensitivy to just about everything from the suffering of other people, even people 100 years ago to the mistreatment of animals, etc. Hell, I am still really pissed off because of the white people's mistreatment of Native Americans. You know, the people who lived here until we came along and fucked with them and nearly drove them to extinction? And trust me, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started on slavery or the the camps that we forced Japanese Americans to live in during WWII. Anyway, it all bothers me and as my husband can attest a goodly amount of times leaves me in tears. I don't know why I am like this, but I can tell you it sucks. Not sure why I am sharing this. Maybe someone is reading this who is the same way and we can commiserate together. Maybe it is just to warn you in case you happen by and catch me on a crying jag because some child in 1945 was murdered by his mom, or something like that.


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