My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Last Thursday my good friend and co-worker Lo Lo Lova and I undertook an incredibly important project. The following is a recap of said project.

We all have these Rubbermaid three shelf carts that we use to wheel around patient charts, large packages, the occasional lunch tray and on rare occasions after hours, each other. We painstakingly mark these carts with the doctor’s name that we work for so that there is no question as to whom the cart belongs. One of the other @sshole front desks stole one of our carts. It was clearly marked with the doctor’s name. The whores lied and said that “someone” gave it to them. SOMEONE? They couldn’t even give us a name. Whatever. We let them keep the cart….for awhile. One day not long ago (last Wednesday) we stole that beyotch cart back. I will not go into detail as I am not sure who will be reading this. Anyway, we decided the cart needed a makeover so that the front desk would not try to steal it from us again (they are like that too, they would try). So, we decorated it. We pimped it out. We wrote and drew all over it. We fashioned mini-mud flaps for the wheels. We gave it custom plates, front and back as is the law in the State of Ohio. We printed cool pictures of stuff and permanently taped them to the top of the cart. The cart looks SWEET. We were going to install hydraulics, but simply ran out of time (translation, we had done no work for hours and it was becoming apparent that most of our co-workers and all of our supervisors were getting irritated…..although it could have been our incessant giggling whilst decorating). A couple of hours behind schedule we finally finished. We called the woman for whom the cart was revamped and told her she could “come to the shop and pick up her ride any time.” She LOVED it. Although she did say she was uncomfortable wheeling it around work, she still thought it was pretty cool. Her name is all over that bad boy. That’s when we found out that the cart actually was going to be used by someone else – she had simply stolen the cart and wanted the old desk number removed and the new one put on it. Great. Information that would have been helpful 4 HOURS AGO. Whatever, we were still thrilled with our work.

Fast forward to today. Our department gives us a gift for Secretary’s Day….sorry, not calling it that other PC shit. So, they load up the pimped out cart and roll it down here to hand out our Target gift cards and combination flash light/tool box (it’s sweet!). Our supervisor and assistant supervisor are handing them out. They are pushing our custom cart. I am now a little scared……you see they were never supposed to see the cart (I didn’t work that one through when we were actually doing the deed). Our supervisor proceeds to tell us that the CEO…..I’ll wait while the gravity of that sinks in….yes, the C freakin’ EO sees the cart and is pissed. She proceeds to tell us that he wants us to come down to his office to discuss it. I have now soiled my underwear. I have already started packing up my office and resigned myself to the fact that I will be getting a job picking up dog crap for the neighbors because after this no one will hire me. Lo Lo has already worked out a denial plea (yep, that beyotch was going to throw ME under the bus!). She forgets that I have pictures of her grinning next the completed cart. She forgets that I have witnesses that can place her at the site of the cart renovation, with markers in hand. Sure, I was the creative genius behind the cart, but she did the actual work. Her fingerprints are all over it!

I feel lightheaded. I feel like I’m underwater. Every word sounds distorted to me. My face is bright red, my heart rate is dangerously high, my knees are weak. Until I hear, just kidding. JUST.KIDDING. Two words that should have brought nothing but happiness.

This post is getting really long so I’m not going to discuss the wide spectrum of emotions I felt. Suffice it to say that I will kick Lo Lo’s arse for throwing me under the bus. I will NEVER run a chop shop for carts again. I will carry a spare pair of clean undies from now on.

The custom plates and mud flaps. Posted by Hello

The top of the cart. Posted by Hello

Lo Lo and the cart. Posted by Hello

Me and the cart Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I'm not sure, but I think my Mom might be a redneck. I kid you not, this was taken at her house on Easter Sunday. Being a slack daughter I don't think I have been to her house since so I can't say whether it is still there. The fact that it was there at all speaks volumes. What do ya'll think? I thinks me kin might be some redneck fools! Love you Mom! Posted by Hello

Pick a good one, Lo Lo! Posted by Hello

Look at Lo Lo Lova - see how close that pen`is to her mouth?! Such a playa. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wine? Of course! I believe we drank our weight in wine. What an incredible vacation. Doesn't the hubby look handsome? Posted by Hello

Here is a pic of your's truly in France last year. I will likely add more when I find decent ones! This was in fishing city and it was wonderful! Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

You may not be able to make out the exact numbers, so let me just tell you that this is me kicking my husband's arse at bowling. You may be thinking, oh big deal. Let me tell you that he has bowled a 300 game before. He carries a 200-something average. I think I have a 140-something average. I don't know what the score in this picture is, but I went on to beat him by bowling a 210. He had a mere 190. I don't have a picture of it to prove it, but I do have the print out if anyone would like a copy of it. I also have witnesses. Go on peeps, testify!  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ramble on

1. Phuck me gently with a chain saw Blogger. I hate you right now. Why do you keep screwing with me?!
2. I am so hungry. Lunchtime will never get here.
3. My feet hurt. This sucks because I have a long day ahead of me.
4. Due to my feet hurting I am sitting too much and now my ass hurts.
5. If I could meet one famous person of today it would be Dave Matthews. I love him, he is dreamy. Could do without the hippy cabbage though.
6. My puppy Sophie weighed 67 pounds last week and she is not even a year yet. She is HUGE, but a real sweetheart.
7. If I could meet one infamous person from the past it would be Hitler so that I could kick him as hard as possible in the nuts repeatedly. I hate him.
8. My therapist would tell me I need to work through the aforementioned anger and hate. Perhaps if I kick my therapist in the nuts that would work?
9. I have the absolute best friends a person could have. You guys rock.
10. My first "real" boyfriend broke up with me for a hor who put out. I used to be bitter. Then I found out that they got married after high school and she cheated on him (big surprise, eh?). They are divorced now. Sweet justice.
11. Next month Dave and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. I was 12 when we got married.
12. I think I am seriously addicted to the History Channel and Food Network. Seriously.
13. Last night on Food Network Rachael Ray totally deep throated an ice cream cone. She is such a skank. $40 a day my ass. Lying beyotch.
14. I would have more respect for Rachael Ray if just once she would be honest and say, "Wow, this is really gross. I could do without the taste of warm ass."

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Breath mint, or 15?

My friend Lo Lo sent me a lovely poem, which was written due to a co-worker's really, really, really bad breath. Here it is for your reading pleasure:

Shit sandwich, shit sandwich
Yummy yummy yum
Shit sandwich, shit sandwich
Straight out of me bum
I eat a shit sandwich every meal of every day
Then blow shit when I talk, so get the hell out of my way!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Oh what a night......

Things that I learned last night, and this morning:
10 or so beers and no dinner make for a really rough morning.
After 10 or so beers it is not, I repeat, not a good idea to try to have a conversation with your father who just flew in from China and is trying to do his taxes.
Apparently I ate a shit sandwich last night cuz I could totally taste it this morning.
My husband has lots of really cool friends who showed up for his going away party, and got him shit faced!
Rachel is great to have around when you have extra beers to be drunk.
Paula is the shot queen. She even got Dave to do 2!
Jen, being the sober one, has an unfair advantage when we play Golden Tee. I think she should have to play with her left hand.
Brett is probably a bigger Dave Matthews fan than me. Sad, but true.
10 or so beers makes me an incredible singer. Thinking of tryng out for American Idol.
10 or so beers causes the alarm clock to go off about 10 minutes after going to bed. Eff you alarm clock. You suck
Patrick got a haircut and no longer looks like the HH Gregg commercial guy.

I probably learned more stuff, but the 10th beer took out those brain cells.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Road rage? 'Lil bit!

Just curious, when is the Cleveland area going to reach it's apparent quota on ASSHOLE STUPID M-EFFING drivers? I swear, they get shittier every damn day. So, if Cleveland is reading this, please please please I beg you, close the border to bad drivers. We have enough for us, and the entire state of Kentucky!

And if some Jake (jackass) annonymous blogger gets on here and starts telling me to calm down, and it could be worse, I will track you down and I will hurt you. Do not mess with me on this. I'm dead effing serious. I wish only to hear from peeps who can commiserate with me on this one.

I'm out, like a boner in sweatpants.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Breakfast of Champions

What kind of sick bastard leaves thin mint Girl Scout cookies (best cookies EVER and I'll punch anyone who disagrees) in the break-room when I am trying to watch what I eat? Well, I watched myself eat half the sleeve for breakfast.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Isn't she lovely?

Sophie lounging. She is almost bigger than the bed!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tax Man (a.k.a. Jackass)

Fine. FINE. I get it. I am a U.S. citizen and therefore it is mandatory, dare I say pAYtriotic that I pay my taxes, even though it rarely, if ever benefits me. I must say that I can really empathize with those involved in the Boston Tea Party. Really, honestly, I don't mind. I'm happy to pay out the nose simply because my husband and I have decent jobs. Although, I have been thinking it may benefit one, or both of us, to start smoking crack, maybe have 35 babies and instead of owning a home, jacking up a car on soeone else's property. Just a theory, still working on the final details. Working hard and living right keeps financially biting me in the ass, and not in the good way.

Oh, and by the way, I had this entry done when my computer locked up which leads me to believe I am being monitored. Thus, the following.

If the U.S. Government is monitoring me, I am totally kidding about being bitter about my taxes. I love the fact that I work my arse off, my husband works even harder, and this allows us the opportunity to fund your incredibly ineffective programs such as welfare, Medicare/Medicaid, the "war" in Iraq, unemployment and social security (which let's be honest, I keep paying into but can't depend on it to be there when I am 92 and actually able to collect the $3 montly checks with which to purchase cat food). I adore that I fund the government, but have absolutely no say in how the inadequate and corrupt politicians run my country.

By the way, just did my taxes. Is my jubilation apparent??

Friday, April 01, 2005

The moose that she is, Sophie must be sure to get every crumb out of the bone box!! That, or she thinks this is a very clever hat. It's a good thing she's pretty!! Posted by Hello