My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Oh what a night......

Things that I learned last night, and this morning:
10 or so beers and no dinner make for a really rough morning.
After 10 or so beers it is not, I repeat, not a good idea to try to have a conversation with your father who just flew in from China and is trying to do his taxes.
Apparently I ate a shit sandwich last night cuz I could totally taste it this morning.
My husband has lots of really cool friends who showed up for his going away party, and got him shit faced!
Rachel is great to have around when you have extra beers to be drunk.
Paula is the shot queen. She even got Dave to do 2!
Jen, being the sober one, has an unfair advantage when we play Golden Tee. I think she should have to play with her left hand.
Brett is probably a bigger Dave Matthews fan than me. Sad, but true.
10 or so beers makes me an incredible singer. Thinking of tryng out for American Idol.
10 or so beers causes the alarm clock to go off about 10 minutes after going to bed. Eff you alarm clock. You suck
Patrick got a haircut and no longer looks like the HH Gregg commercial guy.

I probably learned more stuff, but the 10th beer took out those brain cells.


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