More memories
On to 1st grade, and that should end it for the reminiscing today. My teacher was Miss. Medic. She was pretty cool. For Halloween someone brought in candy corn and we were all eating it. I have the bright idea to bite just the bottom part off and keep the top, white part. I go up to Miss. Medic’s desk and calmly inform her that my tooth fell out and show her the candy corn. She falls for it, hook, line and sinker. She immediately puts it in an envelope for easy transport home and makes me go out to the water fountain to rinse my mouth in case there was any blood or anything. Of course the kids who sat at the desks next to me watched as the drama unfolded, knowing full well that it was no tooth in that envelope. They all begin going to her with candy corn teeth. Yeah, she figured out what I did and she was none too pleased with me. I’m pretty sure she was laughing on the inside though. I don’t care who you are, that’s just funny.
For 2nd grade, did you have Miss CVS? And then Miss RiteAid for 3rd?