My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Road rage? 'Lil bit!

Just curious, when is the Cleveland area going to reach it's apparent quota on ASSHOLE STUPID M-EFFING drivers? I swear, they get shittier every damn day. So, if Cleveland is reading this, please please please I beg you, close the border to bad drivers. We have enough for us, and the entire state of Kentucky!

And if some Jake (jackass) annonymous blogger gets on here and starts telling me to calm down, and it could be worse, I will track you down and I will hurt you. Do not mess with me on this. I'm dead effing serious. I wish only to hear from peeps who can commiserate with me on this one.

I'm out, like a boner in sweatpants.


  • At April 13, 2005 10:40 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    You sound EXACTLY like me on Monday. I was on the phone with my mom and then my sister and both "conversations" went like this:

    Me: Seriously what the eff is up with every single mother effing driver in the city!! I swear to God they are getting WORSE! I don't know how it's possible, but it's true and I hate every single person who is currently driving a car within a 25 mile radius of me and if the guy in front of me does not step on his effing gas pedal I will drive over his P.O.S. car SOHELPMEGOD!!!!!!

    So yeah-I'm with you.


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