My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Infected Pus Bag

(title - doing my part to become number one on the google search for infected pus bag since this is Ubie's dream for me)

Also, it is how I would recently describe my job. Sad day today - I began to update my resume. I love my "job", love the doctor I work for and my co-workers. However, we have now come under the rule of an evil dictator. For example, if we are late we get a point. If we call in sick (time that we are in theory entitled to) we get 2 points and if you don't call in at least 2 hours before your scheduled start time - yep another point. It is bullshit. I have worked at my job for 6 years. I have always been a team player. I have always received excellent reviews. My coworkers come to me with questions, problems, etc. I feel that I am an asset to my company. And now I have to worry about running from my car to the time clock. Oh, and get this. We are now only allowed to clock in at certain time clocks. I am so fucked. Now, most of you will say "Hey Mel, suck it up. Get to work on time. Don't call in sick. Don't rock the boat." Of course I try my hardest to get there on time, but let's remember that I drive over an hour each way to work. The slightest traffic delay and I'm screwed. I know, my choice. How about a little flexibility though? I work on average 9 hours a day. Last Friday my doc gave me a last minute project and I stayed late - an hour late. Had to change my dinner reservation with my Dad and my hubby - do I get to give them a point? Fuck no.

Anyway, if anyone knows of any job openings let me know. My resume will be updated and I'm ready to go. I'd like to get a job closer to home (Stow Hudson area) so that I am not spending on average 3 hours in the car per day....also, it would save me gas to be closer!

Sorry to whine, but it sucks that when something isn't broke management does their best to break it.


  • At May 02, 2006 8:31 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    I'm going to fly back to Cleveland just to beat that lady senseless.

    Each time I kick her I shall say, "How many points is THIS you infected pus bag?"

    Clearly, this is a disturbed woman. Can you lock her in the mental health ward somehow?

  • At May 02, 2006 9:40 PM, Blogger Scarlet Hip said…

    I love that you came to my blog and called someone an infected pus bag. You are an awesome woman.

    And you said poop. I love you truly madly deeply.

  • At May 02, 2006 10:40 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    An infected pus bag located in Courtney Love's twat.

  • At May 03, 2006 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not to sound to Democratic but this is how companies end up with a union. Some infected pus bag of a boss starts to flex their muscle thinking they are making things better, which they are not. Changing the working conditions without bargaining. A classic case for grievance and arbitration. 3 things will happen. The good workers will leave (hurting the company). The bad workers will stay just lucky to have a job (hurting the company). And there will be an atmosphere of discord created at the workplace between the workers and management (hurting the company). If only your boss would grow a set and stand up for herself. There were no problems before this other douchebag came in the picture but now there are? You reap what you sow.

  • At May 03, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Dave is right! Dave is right! Let the bells ring and the birds sing! Dave is right about something!

    Let us all unite against the infected pus bags of the world!

    Also, no good can ever come from making your workers feel like children.

  • At May 03, 2006 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahhh... I will agree that they are infected pus bags... I worked for a company that was just like that. I was fired because I was
    "late too many times" aka.. the time clocks were all off. Had I just not shown up that day, I would've still had a job there...

    And in another related story... I know someone who works for the same place as you, and was not granted the usual 3 day bereavement time for his dads funeral. Even though that his dad was a patient of this place... His wife of a year and half was given one week. That's what I call infected pus bag!

  • At May 03, 2006 4:26 PM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…


  • At May 03, 2006 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know work can be sucky sometimes, but that takes the biscuit! You need to find a job in Europe. We get plently of annual leave, sick leave and decent working hours. If someone tried to pull that shit over here they'd get a right shoeing.

    Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, it doesn't exactly help does it?

  • At May 04, 2006 11:12 AM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…

    Oh by the way, thanks for making me have 2 friends who are into Garfield. You giant infected pus bag!

  • At May 04, 2006 11:25 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    To these comments, may I add: infected pus bag.

    Because, infected pus bag, infected pus bag.

    Which, of course, leads us to infected pus bag.

    Why? Infected pus bag!

    Any questions, infected pus bag?

  • At May 04, 2006 11:57 AM, Blogger Momma Janks said…

    Hey there, infected pus bag!

    I've updated my blog at your urging...check it out!

  • At May 05, 2006 9:48 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Infected pus bags frequently experience infected pus bags. Doctors recommend infected pus bag medicine for infected pus bags.

    Do not take infected pus bag medicine if you are driving or operating heavy machinery. Infected pus bags are not for everyone; consult your doctor or pharmacist.

  • At May 05, 2006 7:00 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Well, Mel... you came in at #2 for your comment on Brooke's blog

  • At May 08, 2006 11:37 PM, Blogger John said…

    Hey there fella. I have a blog about infected pus bag. It is all about infected bags and the pus in them. Check it out.

    btw - I bet I know the person that implemented this fuckwit of an attendance policy. Or at least I bet I know a place they worked in the past.


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