My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

It started out ok.....

but then I effed it all up. Friday started pretty well. Got to work on time. Did some work and then hustled out of there a little after noon. Went to the Embassy Suites and waited for Dave, Sue and Brian. While I was waiting I checked us in. Everyone got there and we got ready for the game. Up until this point I hadn't eaten anything, drank a pot (or more) of coffee and taken 2 cold pills. Genius. So, we get to the game and immediately scope tables at the Birds Eye bar for Sue and Brian to enjoy the game from. Finally found a table and chilled out waiting for the first pitch. Dave went and got a bratwurst. I decided to start with a beer and eat later. Later never came, but lots of beer did. I never made it to our seats, I sat at the bar with Sue, et al. We had a blast. After the game we headed back to the hotel for the Manager's happy hour. I still hadn't eaten anything. Had a few (don't know how many) glasses of wine. Then headed back to the room. I never left the room. I think I showered and got dressed and then was done in. Sent Sue, Brian and Dave off to dinner without me. I woke up at some point and tried to get ready again to meet them out. That didn't work out so well either. So, I called it a night, after calling them several times just to check in.

So, I took a perfectly lovely evening and turned it to shit. Great. I apologize to Sue, Brian and Dave for being such a loser. Also, I would like anyone out with me in the future to remind me to eat before I fuck up another night.

At least this didn't happen to me......


  • At April 10, 2006 9:55 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Wow, not one comment. Alrighty then.

  • At April 11, 2006 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If it makes you feel better, I was a loser in Canada on Saturday night... I was so drop dead tired and had a migraine that I headed back to the hotel at 10pm... now that's LOSERIFIC!

    p.s... I just now read your blog!

  • At April 11, 2006 4:36 PM, Blogger flounder said…

    Sounds like you had a great time, even if it did end a little early. Plus, you were at the Jake watching the great game! I would kill for that day.


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