My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Friday, April 28, 2006

No, not yet.....please!

I don't know about you guys, but I am not ready for this. I've seen the commercial for this movie maybe 3 or 4 times and each time I am reduced to tears. I am just not ready to go see a movie about one of the worst days in America's history. Before you all start with your arguments, I am not saying that the movie should not have been made or that no one should go see it, I'm just saying that I personally am not ready. When I went to therapy last year I discussed this with my therapist, the fact that I can't seem to move on with regard to 9/11. The fact that anytime I watch anything about it I sob for all those lost, all the suffering of that day and the days that followed. I don't know if I'll ever not cry and feel such loss when I think about that terrible day. Apparently I am normal - at least the therapist said so. And I was beginning to think about it less and I was beginning to move on, and then out of no where BAM I saw that commercial. All of it came flooding back in on me and overwhelmed me. Actually, I was pretty surprised at my reaction. I mean, the tears were instantaneous, right along with that feeling of sadness. I posted a poem I wrote on the 1st anniversary of 9/11. I thought by writing that poem and sharing it I would feel better. I guess I did a little.

Who knows, maybe I should go see the movie, cry my eyes out the entire time (not a plan, I just know that I will) and get it out.


  • At April 28, 2006 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am of the swift justice pursuasion. I could be wrong but Dennis Leary had it right, "We have the bombs." Iraq and Iran are not too far apart. There are only a few major cities. "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya." End of oil problems. Go buy a big car.

  • At April 28, 2006 11:46 AM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    I read somewhere that our psyches are not built to deal with the amount of bad news we receive on a daily basis.

    That, added to the fact that disturbing questions remain about the incident, that we haven't gotten any "closure" and instead are embroiled in another, unrelated conflict -- the wound won't heal because it's still an infected pus bag.

    I hope I make you Google's #1 hit for Infected Pus Bag.

  • At April 29, 2006 2:37 PM, Blogger Ubermilf said…

    Infected pus bag.

  • At May 02, 2006 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    On the plus side about that film, the relatives of the people on the flight said that it didn't matter how long people waited no time would be enough for them as they think about it every day. I've only heard positive things from them in terms of it being as sensitive as one can be about a subject like that.

  • At May 02, 2006 5:22 PM, Blogger GingerSnaps said…

    the day it premiered in new york, the families and air traffic people were flown out there to watch it togetther and although massive amounts of tears were shed, closure was upon them. its been almost 5 years...we have to think about it sometime.

  • At May 02, 2006 7:09 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Dave - I hate that way of thinking...too many innocent people would be killed and that certainly isn't the answer. That is exactly what the terrorists did to us.

    Ubie - My psyche is definitely not equiped to deal with all the bad news. And to you I say infected pus bag. I looked, I'm not even included in the search.

    Sgt. Homebrew - I don't know that it was a bad idea to make the movie, I'm just not sure that I am ready to see it yet.

    WBB - where have you been? I've missed you! I too have heard that it was made well, so at least that is something.

    IHS - welcome to my blog! You are absolutely right, I know we have to think about it. And certainly if it helps the family gain closure I am all for it. Perhaps I should go see it and shed my tears and gain closure. I think I'm just afraid that I won't be able to handle it.

  • At May 02, 2006 7:12 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    And I didn't realize that IMS is Lil Red! Hey - I have missed you. Where you been hiding?

  • At May 02, 2006 7:13 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    I meant IHS (I'm here somewhere). Oh jeez, never mind.


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