Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Hey Pokey-----

Happy Anniversary! Tomorrow Dave and I will celebrate 11 years of marriage. We've had our ups and downs, challenges, delights and through it all we've loved each other and have finished another year of marriage even stronger than the last. It hasn't been easy all the time, but it has never been boring. We've laughed together, cried together, screamed at each other and held each other. Here's to another 111 years of marriage....yes honey, to each other!
Also, I think it is pretty cool of me that I don't mind when Dave makes out with other bitches and I am a safety girl!
I love you!
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Instead of Mexican President Fox being pissed at us because of our proposed immigration reform, why isn't he pissed at his people for literally dying to get OUT of Mexico? Perhaps he should worry more about improving HIS country and less about us building a fence (which by the way IS a stupid idea).
Saturday, May 20, 2006
i so got it
Dude, I got my Dell! From this point forward I will not backspace or fix any errors. I have to get used to my new keyboard. So, here we go.....
Sue and Brian and Dseth cane iver I mean over for dinner tonight and we had pasta and bread and sald. That was supposed to be salad. It is 22 or 11:30 and Sue just went up to bed. We have towat to wat watch Sophie because ws she keeps trying o to join Seth and Sue (seperately in b ed). So, I GOT MY DELL. Actually, o I could give a shit about Dell, but I got my laptop. I can now r wrie wrie write the great american novel and sd do it from my cocuch!
Let’s see wjat what Brian has to say.....
Brian says what’s up bizatches!!! I’m on duty and I’m tied to my pager. Dave’s at work and we have had a bottle or two of wine.
Brian is changing channels cuz he hates my remote. Here is again.....
LCD TV good....remote control bad. Bottle of Menage a Trois gone. Eyelids are getting heavy.
The Cavs have lost already, and the Indians have won on C.C’s three hit complete game. The Cavs completely blew their chance to win the series, and this city is going to be highly disappointed when the Cavs get smoked at the Palace. Game 7 Sunday. I’m going to bet it’s not much of a game.
Watching Mavs/Spurs in an effort to find baseball highlights. Not working. Tim Duncan is going to be elinminated from the playoffs.
Brian ia playing with the tv again. Whatever.
Don’t whatever me! Trying to find baseball. Nothing. Setteling for Seinfeld. It’s on for five minutes and now over. Going back to the TV.......
This Dell is kinda nice.....Mel is M.I.A....Dude, I got a Dell! Woo hoo!
Mel is moment please.....
So, Tam’s baby shower is tomorrow and I think we are all ready. And while I was MIA I was putting on Pjs and going potty. So, whatever.
The keyboard isn’t that hard. I think I have the feel of it. I like this dell
I am now going to dictate what brian tells me to type....without looking.
Is that the new camry. Il ie the new camyr. Sue said I could get one of thsoe. It isn’t the camry. Eljreoithpoiweythiehrfr
Brfian says tweezers and nasal spray will get you out of anything.
Rise and shine forecast.
Oh dude, don’t be that guy
More munching.....
Hey that andersson verajon guy looked like a douche.
I gotta duck
I think I may have missed some stuff but I
am not sure.
Someting about pita chips that hits the spot.
Dave Letterman is still funny.
...Mel goes to open more wine....lets see if Brian drinks any.
Brian says he won’t have anhy.
Mel opens wine.
Brian says "well, maybe a little."
Sue and Brian and Dseth cane iver I mean over for dinner tonight and we had pasta and bread and sald. That was supposed to be salad. It is 22 or 11:30 and Sue just went up to bed. We have towat to wat watch Sophie because ws she keeps trying o to join Seth and Sue (seperately in b ed). So, I GOT MY DELL. Actually, o I could give a shit about Dell, but I got my laptop. I can now r wrie wrie write the great american novel and sd do it from my cocuch!
Let’s see wjat what Brian has to say.....
Brian says what’s up bizatches!!! I’m on duty and I’m tied to my pager. Dave’s at work and we have had a bottle or two of wine.
Brian is changing channels cuz he hates my remote. Here is again.....
LCD TV good....remote control bad. Bottle of Menage a Trois gone. Eyelids are getting heavy.
The Cavs have lost already, and the Indians have won on C.C’s three hit complete game. The Cavs completely blew their chance to win the series, and this city is going to be highly disappointed when the Cavs get smoked at the Palace. Game 7 Sunday. I’m going to bet it’s not much of a game.
Watching Mavs/Spurs in an effort to find baseball highlights. Not working. Tim Duncan is going to be elinminated from the playoffs.
Brian ia playing with the tv again. Whatever.
Don’t whatever me! Trying to find baseball. Nothing. Setteling for Seinfeld. It’s on for five minutes and now over. Going back to the TV.......
This Dell is kinda nice.....Mel is M.I.A....Dude, I got a Dell! Woo hoo!
Mel is moment please.....
So, Tam’s baby shower is tomorrow and I think we are all ready. And while I was MIA I was putting on Pjs and going potty. So, whatever.
The keyboard isn’t that hard. I think I have the feel of it. I like this dell
I am now going to dictate what brian tells me to type....without looking.
Is that the new camry. Il ie the new camyr. Sue said I could get one of thsoe. It isn’t the camry. Eljreoithpoiweythiehrfr
Brfian says tweezers and nasal spray will get you out of anything.
Rise and shine forecast.
Oh dude, don’t be that guy
More munching.....
Hey that andersson verajon guy looked like a douche.
I gotta duck
I think I may have missed some stuff but I
am not sure.
Someting about pita chips that hits the spot.
Dave Letterman is still funny.
...Mel goes to open more wine....lets see if Brian drinks any.
Brian says he won’t have anhy.
Mel opens wine.
Brian says "well, maybe a little."
Monday, May 15, 2006
Dude, we're getting a Dell, and other stuff
I killed our Gateway computer. Not sure how I did it, but I did. On Thursday night I loaded MS Works so that we had a word processing program. The CD I used actually came with the computer. The old Gateway couldn't handle it and she rolled over and died. We can't even get the beyotch to turn on. So today I ordered a Dell laptop. I am SO excited. I have wanted a laptop for years. I can't wait to experience the freedom of computing from wherever I please! I may get my lawn chair out and go sit in the driveway and do some stuff on the new computer.
In other news, I haven't been taking my meds (lexapro). Not an intentional thing. I ran out. Forgot to call in refill and then forgot to pick up the refill. Let me tell you, by today I could totally feel the difference. I sort of noticed over the weekend. I went to Hillarities Comedy Club on Friday night and started crying at the opening video thingy they had about Moms. Luckily it was dark and no one saw. Think I was pretty much ok on Saturday, though I did nap most of the day. Sunday (y'day) I cried several times. Once was from the awesome gift my Niece Julia gave me. Then driving home after leaving my family while reflecting on what a perfectly lovely day it was.....even if I am not technically a Mom. Started crying. Then this morning driving to work they were doing this recap thing of Len Barker's perfect game 25 years ago and I STARTED CRYING! Hmmmm, think something is up? Oh, did I mention that the crying is mixed in with complete irritability? And no, I am not having PMS - that was last week. And though I'm sure he'll disagree, the hubby could have been a little more loving and stuff yesterday. I am always ultra sensitive on Mother's Day anyway, but this year was worse. AND I am the stepmom of his kids. He walks in, gives all the ladies a kiss and tells them Happy Mother's Day (yep, I'm literally the only woman there who is not a mother). He doesn't even kiss me!!! MY Mom had to say, Uh Dave she is a STEPMOM. Then I got a peck on the cheek, but no happy day wishes. Whatever.
So, I started wondering why the hell I was feeling this way. That is when I realized that I hadn't taken my meds in at least 5 days. Yep, made sure I picked that refill up today. So, for all of you out there wondering in the back of your heads if the meds really do help - they do. I don't like feeling the way I felt the last few days. Hopefully I'll be back to my medicated normal self in a few days!
Until then, stop looking at me like that you fucktard before you make me cry and then I'll have to kick your ass!
In other news, I haven't been taking my meds (lexapro). Not an intentional thing. I ran out. Forgot to call in refill and then forgot to pick up the refill. Let me tell you, by today I could totally feel the difference. I sort of noticed over the weekend. I went to Hillarities Comedy Club on Friday night and started crying at the opening video thingy they had about Moms. Luckily it was dark and no one saw. Think I was pretty much ok on Saturday, though I did nap most of the day. Sunday (y'day) I cried several times. Once was from the awesome gift my Niece Julia gave me. Then driving home after leaving my family while reflecting on what a perfectly lovely day it was.....even if I am not technically a Mom. Started crying. Then this morning driving to work they were doing this recap thing of Len Barker's perfect game 25 years ago and I STARTED CRYING! Hmmmm, think something is up? Oh, did I mention that the crying is mixed in with complete irritability? And no, I am not having PMS - that was last week. And though I'm sure he'll disagree, the hubby could have been a little more loving and stuff yesterday. I am always ultra sensitive on Mother's Day anyway, but this year was worse. AND I am the stepmom of his kids. He walks in, gives all the ladies a kiss and tells them Happy Mother's Day (yep, I'm literally the only woman there who is not a mother). He doesn't even kiss me!!! MY Mom had to say, Uh Dave she is a STEPMOM. Then I got a peck on the cheek, but no happy day wishes. Whatever.
So, I started wondering why the hell I was feeling this way. That is when I realized that I hadn't taken my meds in at least 5 days. Yep, made sure I picked that refill up today. So, for all of you out there wondering in the back of your heads if the meds really do help - they do. I don't like feeling the way I felt the last few days. Hopefully I'll be back to my medicated normal self in a few days!
Until then, stop looking at me like that you fucktard before you make me cry and then I'll have to kick your ass!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Just call me O.J.
Holy shit people, my morning commute is insane lately. Yesterday was both sad and awesome all at the same time. I was starring in my very own Hertz commercial. I left the house early, about 10 minutes earlier than normal. Traffic on 480 was horrible. So, that set me back. I got off the freeway and did my best Nascar weaving in and out of traffic. Finally made it to work and had about 6 minutes to park and sprint to the time clock (you know, because of those phucking points if I am tardy). At the light that I need to make a right at to get to my garage some dumbass bus driver is just sitting there blocking the road (sidenote: are ALL RTA drivers just phucking retards? Is that a requirement to be a bus driver???). So, I punch the gas and get out in the left lane to go around the bus and make a right. As I'm getting ready to play chicken with an oncoming car so that I can turn left into my garage some pedestrian comes strolling directly into where I need to turn. Whatever, I turn anyway almost hitting her (actually I didn't mean to almost hit her and I did mouth "sorry" to which she responded somewhat negatively so I yelled "well get out of my way you stupid bitch" but I don't think she heard me). FINALLY I get in my garage and I'm down to about 5 minutes left to park and run. As I am going up the ramps I get stuck behind some bunghole waiting for a spot. I try to pass him, but the jerk pulling out of the spot doesn't stop when I'm nearly behind her and I have slam on my brakes and reverse. UGH. I finally get around these assclowns and am heading up another ramp at warp speed when I pass an open spot. I slam on the brakes and reverse (I did actually look behind me) when I see a car has sped up trying to get the spot. Uh, hell no McDouchebag, I'm getting that spot. So, I rubbed him a little - hey rubbin' is racin' and I'm racin' the clock and a dictator. I get the spot. I take literally 3 seconds to grab my purse and lunchbag and the sprint begins. I jumped over an old lady, I knocked over some dude with a walker and I think I may have spit on the jerk on the lower level who cost me precious minutes and I arrived at the time clock. Clocked in at 8:36. I had a full minute cushion! People, that is some skill right there!
Also, I'm pretty sure this woman was the reason for the bad traffic on 480.
Also, I'm pretty sure this woman was the reason for the bad traffic on 480.

Friday, May 05, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Infected Pus Bag

(title - doing my part to become number one on the google search for infected pus bag since this is Ubie's dream for me)
Also, it is how I would recently describe my job. Sad day today - I began to update my resume. I love my "job", love the doctor I work for and my co-workers. However, we have now come under the rule of an evil dictator. For example, if we are late we get a point. If we call in sick (time that we are in theory entitled to) we get 2 points and if you don't call in at least 2 hours before your scheduled start time - yep another point. It is bullshit. I have worked at my job for 6 years. I have always been a team player. I have always received excellent reviews. My coworkers come to me with questions, problems, etc. I feel that I am an asset to my company. And now I have to worry about running from my car to the time clock. Oh, and get this. We are now only allowed to clock in at certain time clocks. I am so fucked. Now, most of you will say "Hey Mel, suck it up. Get to work on time. Don't call in sick. Don't rock the boat." Of course I try my hardest to get there on time, but let's remember that I drive over an hour each way to work. The slightest traffic delay and I'm screwed. I know, my choice. How about a little flexibility though? I work on average 9 hours a day. Last Friday my doc gave me a last minute project and I stayed late - an hour late. Had to change my dinner reservation with my Dad and my hubby - do I get to give them a point? Fuck no.
Anyway, if anyone knows of any job openings let me know. My resume will be updated and I'm ready to go. I'd like to get a job closer to home (Stow Hudson area) so that I am not spending on average 3 hours in the car per day....also, it would save me gas to be closer!
Sorry to whine, but it sucks that when something isn't broke management does their best to break it.