My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Baby Announcement

Maija Marie was born yesterday! She is gorgeous. She weighed in at 7.9 lbs and is 20.5 inches long. She is absolutely perfect! More pictures will follow as I receive them.

She did have a really long pinky nail on her left hand so she may be gangsta!

Jen is doing really well and resting comfortably. We went to visit them yesterday at the hospital. It was a little crowded in the room and difficult to really have any time with Maija or Jen and left pretty bummed out. I just have to keep reminding myself that we'll have plenty of time together when she is home. Sometimes being the second wife, stepmom, stepgrandma sucks cuz you sort of get pushed to the back. Yeah, I threw myself a little pity party but I'm getting over myself! I have awesome friends and family who cheered me up at dinner at Don Pablos. Didn't make it to Cold Stone Creamery as I was pretty tired and just wanted to go home and chill for a little bit!

Tonight I have to go on a boat so I will likely be drinking heavily in order to get my scaredy cat ass on the boat. This should be interesting.


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