My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's all over 'cept the crying

The wedding was awesome.

Having said that, man it was a lot of work. I think I lost 5lbs in sweat. Friday worked 1/2 day and was at my Mom's setting up by 2:30ish. Set up tables, got the bar ready, and other misc. stuff. Took a break at about 5:40 p.m. to clean up and head to the gazebo for rehearsal. Went fine. Returned to Mom's for dinner and more set up.

I suggested to my cousin Chris that he break out the D.J. stuff to get the feel of it. I was then sent to K-Mart for garbage cans, lights for the port-o-pots, and other misc. stuff. Chris didn't know I left and played a Dave Matthews song for me!!!! The only one of the weekend and I missed it. When I returned I found that EVERYONE HAD LEFT. Oh well. Headed over to my sister's house where a couple of us spent the night with Jen.

Up early on Saturday at 6:30 a.m. to get showered and ready to go to the hair salon. Jen got her hair done and it looked gorgeous. Check out the Stork site for some great pics. Then Connie and Steph had their hair done. Now, I was under the impression that we were going with a more casual hair do. I was wrong. They had prom hair. Sarah and I had sort of regular hair with a flower in it. I did feel a bit self conscious but Bud Light took care of that feeling!

We made it to the Gazebo with only moments to spare as hair took a little longer than expected. Wedding went off without a hitch. As I walked up to the gazebo I looked at Marc (the groom) and said "you need to get out of here A.S.A.P." Big laughs. Then my sister Sarah walked up and said "she's 30 feet away, you aren't married yet." More laughs. (Name that movie.)

After the ceremony some of us wanted to go grab a bite to eat at either Friends or meet the rest of the gang at Panini's. Neither happened. We went back to the house, wolfed down 2 pieces of pizza and immediately started working again.

Had everything set, ready to go looking gorgeous and a mini-tornado blew through. Ok, not really, but there was a tornado in Medina which is not that far away. We did have a helluva storm come through. When that stopped we fixed everything that had been blown around.

The reception was AWESOME. The food was the best wedding food I have ever had. I think Dave and I will try to use them maybe for a housewarming party at the new house. Chris did an awesome job as DJ. Sue did an awesome job keeping the bar stocked. Brian did a great job of entertaining Dave since I was busy with wedding stuff, and I might have been a bit irritable....but in my defense I worked my ass off all weekend and it was hot as crotch and I was tired.

Went home about 1 a.m. and immediately fell asleep, even though I had suggested in the car that we take the dogs for a walk. What in the hell was I thinking????

I am still pretty exhausted but hope to be back to normal by this weekend!

P.S. Remember how I was waiting for the correct size dress??? It arrived Saturday. I tried it on before the reception and it was still huge. I wore it though because the other one looked even bigger due to wearing it all day and working in it. So, now I have two dresses if anyone wants to borrow one!


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