My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I set my goals, and I fall short....

My goal today was to go the entire day with out swearing. I had decided this last night on my way home from work. You guys may not have noticed, but sometimes I have a potty mouth. So, the plan was to wake up this morning and not utter a swear word for the entire day. That notion went out the window due to some stupid whore in a white Nissan X205 or something who was putting her makeup on whilst driving like a complete fucking moron. I happened to yell this in my car as I was stuck behind her for about 10 miles. I wanted to punch her so hard in the ovary. I blame her, the dumb bitch.

Maybe I'll try to have the rest of the day be swear free, but does it really fucking matter at this point? Maybe tomorrow....


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