My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Interveiw with a wannabe vampire.

Here’s something fun for Friday afternoon!

Here are the instructions:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "Interview me." "Blow me" or "Eat me" are not acceptable substitutes.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Here are Brooke’s questions to me along with my answers:

Mel's turn!
1. Which is worse - chronic bad breath or a teeny weenie?
Chronic bad breath is definitely worse….you can always eat a tic tac, but you can’t improve on a teeny weenie. Sorry boys, size does matter.

2. Describe the most embarrassing outfit you have ever worn.
Whenever I put on my bathing suit, that is the most embarrassing outfit I have ever worn.

3. You are gay for a day. Who is your girlfriend? Why?
My girlfriend would be Katie Holmes so that during the one day I am gay I could get her away from that freak Tom Cruise. Plus she is pretty hot, although she seems sort of sweet and innocent so maybe I’d pick Cher. She’d know her way around!

4. Does Tom Cruise need therapy? Why or why not?
Yes, Tom Cruise needs therapy. Hey, if I need therapy then that freak definitely needs therapy.

This next one was taken from vivalasvegas. I think it's obvious why I am using it.
5. Would you be the national spokesman for an adult diaper if the money was right?
This is a little embarrassing, but I would probably do it even if the money wasn’t quite right as long as the product was good. Let’s face it, who among us wouldn’t take a piss in their pants if they could? I know I would. Although my friend Brian tried it in college and said it was all bad. Although he pissed twice in the same diaper.

There you have it. Let the interviewing begin


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