Thank God it's Friday. Truer words were never spoken.
Only 4 more days of wearing spectacles.
In January 27th we are going to Columbus for a hockey game and apparently our seats are kick ass. Like, catch a puck between your eyes kick ass.
Tonight is my nephew Jacob's 1st birthday party (was supposed to be two weeks ago, but the chicken pox are kicking my family's ass). I honestly cannot believe he has been part of our lives for an entire year already. Happy birthday, Jacoby!
Last night I made buffalo chicken dip for the aforementioned party. Holy shit, best dip. Ever. When you make it and love it, feel free to name your first born after me. Ah, hell....just give me your first born.
Note to cousin Chris - YOU WOULDN'T HAVE COME.
(don't worry people, he'll know)
Head on over to the Stork's website if you want to see one of the funniest videos in the entire world of our friend Chrissy trying to chop wood. I'm pretty sure I've never laughed so hard.
Have a great weekend everyone. Smell you later.
And here is proof that I can, in fact, party like a rock star.
Only 4 more days of wearing spectacles.
In January 27th we are going to Columbus for a hockey game and apparently our seats are kick ass. Like, catch a puck between your eyes kick ass.
Tonight is my nephew Jacob's 1st birthday party (was supposed to be two weeks ago, but the chicken pox are kicking my family's ass). I honestly cannot believe he has been part of our lives for an entire year already. Happy birthday, Jacoby!
Last night I made buffalo chicken dip for the aforementioned party. Holy shit, best dip. Ever. When you make it and love it, feel free to name your first born after me. Ah, hell....just give me your first born.
Note to cousin Chris - YOU WOULDN'T HAVE COME.
(don't worry people, he'll know)
Head on over to the Stork's website if you want to see one of the funniest videos in the entire world of our friend Chrissy trying to chop wood. I'm pretty sure I've never laughed so hard.
Have a great weekend everyone. Smell you later.
And here is proof that I can, in fact, party like a rock star.