My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What up, DAWG?!

I haven’t posted since last Friday. I’m not boycotting or anything because Blogger is a stupid whore. I mean, Blogger is most definitely a stupid whore, but that isn’t why I haven’t posted. Guess I just haven’t had anything to talk about, funny or otherwise. That changes now. Time for some random, free-flow stream of consciousness. Let’s get started, shall we?
Things you may not know about me:
I am afraid of just about everything, and that could actually be a Blog of its own. Here are a few though just to get your attention. I am afraid of heights, airplanes, bridges, crowds, serial killers, lightening and for some dumb reason thunder. I am afraid that the earth will stop turning and we will be flung into space. I am afraid that when I die it will hurt. I am also afraid of what I’ll miss down here on Earth when I die. Hopefully I can watch from heaven. I am afraid that my friends won’t like me anymore once they discover that I am afraid of everything. Generally every day that I walk in my parking garage before and after work I am afraid that it will collapse crushing me. Yeah, I could go on for hours but I’ll move on……
Other things you may not know about me include that my favorite color is purple, but nothing in my home is purple. My favorite veggie is spinach and I hardly ever eat it. My favorite Kool-Aid flavor is lime, second favorite is grape. My favorite time of day is when I get home from work and get to see my husband and our dogs. Wish I had more time at home! My favorite pizza is white with ham and pineapple and if the pizza place sends it with let’s say red sauce, I have been known to lick the entire pizza and send that bitch right back to the pizza place. Get it right – white sauce. WHITE SAUCE YOU MORONS.
Places I would like to travel to:
This may seem odd since I hate flying, and actually fear every mode of transportation other than me driving my car, but I like to travel and see the world. I have been to France and would love to go back. However I would like to see the following places first:
Egypt (everyone who knows me knows that I am addicted to the study of ancient Egypt)
Italy (I think I have kin from Florence)
The Pocconos
Washington, D.C.
Seattle to see the original Starbucks. Man, I’m addicted to that liquid gold (that’s how much it costs!)
Europe to follow the Allied forces movement during WWII
The concentration camps so that I can add my tears to the billions shed by others because of the atrocities committed there.
Things that REALLY piss me off:
Monday mornings
Tuesday mornings
Wednesday mornings
Thursday mornings
Rush-hour traffic
People who hurt children
Getting the wrong pizza
Stupid people
Apathetic people
Drug dealers

I guess that is enough for now, have to save some for later! Feel free to ask if there is something else you would like to know about me, or share something that I may not know about you! Sorry this is so long, I’m afraid that you won’t read all of it…..oh crap, here I go again!


  • At May 12, 2005 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mel is a borderline Republican though she likes to pretend she is for the masses. She is also afraid of bugs especially spiders. She does cry a lot for people less fortunate which shows she has a good heart.

  • At May 12, 2005 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You also forgot cruise ships because they might sink. Anyone want to go?

  • At May 12, 2005 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, It's about time you posted. I'm affraid of wakes. Because I'm always afraid the body is going to pop up and get me.

  • At May 12, 2005 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice job Brian. Don't feed the fire.

  • At May 12, 2005 12:50 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    It's ok SD, I'm not afraid of dead people. Well, wait I guess I kinda am....ever see Night of the Living Dead? They (the dead people) eat your brains. You can't live without your phucking brains! Crap, add dead people to the list.

  • At May 12, 2005 12:52 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    d.f. - you know me too well, but you don't have to tell everything you know! There is no way I am going on a cruise ship. My luck I'll wake up underwater. Can't breath underwater!!! OK, I am going home now and never leaving again. Glad I shared. You could have discussed the pizza issues, you know!

  • At May 12, 2005 12:55 PM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…

    Do not EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER make fun of me again!

  • At May 12, 2005 2:19 PM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova said…

    PS: Why no purple in the hiz-ouse?

  • At May 12, 2005 4:01 PM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Lo Lo - I reserve the right to poke fun at anyone I see fit. It is done in a loving manner, so I don't see the problem. As far as why no purple in the hizzle, not sure. My room growing up was ALL purple. Probably more than you want to know, but I guess today is all about exposing the inner Mel. I'm getting so healthy! HA!

  • At May 19, 2005 5:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    you're delicious like a white hawaian pizza. A really pleasure to read your stuff.
    and a relief to know other people feels almost so many fears than me.
    I'm afraid of the TV, I think it actually causes stupidity.

  • At May 20, 2005 11:26 AM, Blogger Melanie was here said…

    Why thank you Gatogotico. I believe you made me blush!


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