My Therapist Claims There's Hope

He also said Nick is a puss infected SLUT.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It’s that time again.

Let’s play “What time of the Month is it?”

Here are your clues.

Last week I was crying over stupid shit
Last week I craved salt and sugar
This weekend I ate like I had 4 stomachs
This week I am extremely tired and broken out like a teenager
I am retaining so much water that I may need to build a bridge over my ass
I could snap without notice and squash you like a bug.
I tried 3 outfits on this morning before finding one that really accentuated my recently acquired fatty tissue. And silly me thought my fat roll was plenty big already!
My boobs are busting out of their bra, and not in the good way.

Oh, and as far as that picture above. Those categories are shit. The new categories are:

1. Women who go from hugging to bag-tagging

2. Pass me the fucking chocolate

3. Stop whining for dinner, I have cramps

4. No, wet dreams are not the same as PMS you dumbass

and finally

5. This almost makes me look forward to menopause.

30 seconds on the clock. Let’s see what you bitches got.


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