For those three readers left.....
Can you believe my darlings will be one year old next Wednesday? In less than a week? In like 6 days?! Holy crap. Seems impossible, yet it is true. They are so much fun, and get more fun every day as they learn new things. They still aren't walking, but they've mastered crawling. We're still on stage 2 foods, but working towards stage 3 and table foods. Yes, things are a bit delayed and we just keep reminding ourselves that they were preemies and there are two of them so things may be a bit delayed. They are still tiny, especially when I compare them to single babies of my family and friends, but they make up for it with personality and charm. Is it obvious that I adore them? This post wouldn't be complete without some new shots of the girlies, so here you go! I'll let you know when we've met some more milestones, like them saying Mama and knowing that they are talking to me!