They're here.........
On Monday, February 4, 2008, Olyvia Star and Grayce Patricia entered the world at 12:07 p.m. and 12:1o p.m.

Olyvia and Grayce
Olyvia weighed in at 4lb 7 oz and was 18" long.
Grayce weighed in at a whopping 3 lb 4 oz and 15.5" long.
We are all doing very well. Olyvia and I were discharged this past Friday. Unfortunately Grayce is still in the NICU as she needs to gain some weight before they'll let her come home. We hope that she is able to join us this weekend or early next week. It kills us every time we have to leave her at the hospital, but daily visits help a lot, and the nursing staff at the hospital is phenomenal!
I am LOVING being a mommy, and Dave is a fantastic daddy! We are enjoying the girls so much. Of course we know our workload will double next week when Grayce is finally home, and we look forward to it!
Our friends and family have been so supportive and loving, and we truly appreciate them!
Here are some pictures of the little cuties.
Olyvia and Grayce