Think Pink!
First of all, shout out to K-dawg who has been gently nagging me to update this thing for several months! Yo!
Sorry I've been MIA - mostly I've been sleeping! Just ask Dave, and everyone else.
We found out yesterday that our twins are girls! I like Hannah and Gracie for names, but we haven't decided anything for sure yet. Here are a couple of pics.

I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound....apparently baby LT (left) is eating more than her sis baby RT (right) and they want to keep a close on them. Already sibling rivalry and they aren't even out of the womb yet!
Nothing else new really. Going to Canada this weekend for our annual Niagara-on-the-Lake wine tasting tour. I'll be tasting loads of bottled water and of course I'll be the D.D. No complaints from me! I'd much rather be growing babies than nursing a hangover. Also I LOVE shopping in NOTL. It is so quaint. Can't wait for all of the good food, a bit of gambling and most importantly spending time with good friends!